AWhere Weather Data for Climate Change

Hello Climate concious freinds.

I would like to introduce aWhere Weather.  

Interactive and accessible weather data are instrumental for improved research, more effective extension and greater context in shaping policies relating to the environment, agricultural development and global health.  aWhere Weather is a powerful research and decision making tool, providing an interactive application to access and receive notifications for key weather data for user-selected locations.

Data are available for East, Southern, and West Africa as well as South Asia. These data are provided as weather surfaces – essentially a full weather station every 9 kilometers.  Both daily observed (3 -5 year history) and forecasted weather data are available for the following variables:
-    Precipitation 
-    Minimum and Maximum Temperature
-    Minimum and Maximum Relative Humidity 
-    Solar Radiation 
-    Maximum and Morning Wind Speed 
-    Growing degree days (dynamically calculated for your base and cap temperature)

Access aWhere Weather and begin seeing weather data for your locations of interest! 


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