Call For Proposal-Tools for Change

Call for Proposals - Tools for Change: Utilizing human rights to combat violations of women's rights over land in the context of HIV/AIDS

The Huairou CommissionUNDP and the Open Society Foundation Law and Health Initiative (LAHI) invite grassroots organizations to submit applications for implementing an innovative method or activity using human rights as a tool to claim, gain and maintain land and housing, especially in the context of HIV/AIDS.
Up to three organizations will be selected to receive both financial resources and technical advice to carry out pilot activities in which grassroots women utilize human rights law as laid out in the Tools for Change manual (click here to download manual, which is also available in the Land & Housing Library on

Over the course of six months, selected grassroots groups will have an opportunity to enhance their advocacy, raise awareness to challenge discriminatory customs and/or lobby for policy change - all utilizing human rights as the primary basis. They will also engage in mutual sharing of lessons learned on the best uses of human rights in the struggle for land rights.

Two members from each group will also attend a meeting of the AU or other regional body (TBD, in 2012) to advocate for women's rights to land in the context of HIV/AIDS utilizing a human rights framework grounded in grassroots realities.

Each organization will receive up to $12,000 to carry out the pilot activities.    

We invite interested organizations to:
 Contact with any comments or questions.
Funding type: 
Project funding
Fri 20 Apr, 2012
Open to: 
Grassroots organizations


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