Human Right and Environment Rights

Library Document

Rights-Based Approach to Development Programming: Training Manual


good practices, training manual, development workers, NGO staff, staff of international organisations, trainers, children's rights, civil and political rights, economic and social rights, human rights-based approach (HRBA), right to development, right to education, right to food & water, right to health, right to housing, rights of the child, rule of law, sustainable development, Millennium Development Goals, Philippines

This training manual consists of a curriculum for five-day training introducing rights-based programming. Its objectives are: to provide UN staff with a conceptual and operational understanding of RBA and its importance to development programming; to understand fundamental human rights concepts, both national (Philippines) and international; to master the use of rights–based tools in the programming process; to understand the role and added value of human rights in development strategies towards the realisation of the Millennium Development Goals. The training is based on five modules, which are intended to firstly give participants a human rights ‘lens’ and then build the necessary skills for programming using such a lens. Based on participant–centred adult education techniques, the training relies on participants to provide much of the content, and to share their analysis, insights and experience.
 PDF  English


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