Community Procession against forced evictions in Kenya.

Organizing communities in Nairobi for a major street procession on friday 18th-Nov-2011 against the ongoing forceful evictions and demolishions,the procession begins at 8.30am from Landhies Road- Rd-Haile Sellassie to Highcourt Milimani,from High court at 11.30am towards the Office of the President / Attorney General Republic of Kenya.Amoung the issues the petitioners will highlight will be -Stopping immediately the illegal/leasing/ sale/Developing of state cooperations (Kenya Railways Cooperation, Posta,KGGCU, KFA,Rivatex, Mumias,Sony,Breweries,Nyayo Bus Cooperation) land and assets,address the high rate of unemployment/Stopping the exercutive from mutilating the new constitution/address the escalating basic commodities prizes/Immediately stop the allocation of 1.2Billion for Nairobi City, Local Authority Transfer Fund(LATF) establish urgently terminate the 1929 colonial Nile Treaty,establish immediately the bill on Environmental issues focussing and addressing the climate Change issues in the country.

Circulate this to all media outlets and networks,any comments/ideas that you feel must be included kindly send them titled PETITION.
Thank You all

Patrick Kamotho
Fahamu Pan African Fellow.

Baraza la Taifa


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