

TO MOST MILLIONS OF KENYANS VOTERS they are unaware what entails opening of Independent Electoral Boundary Commission (IEBC) August 2022 Presidential-National Tallying Centre (NTC) Servers. The Smartmatic International Holding BV Company is one among 500 British registered companies operating in Kenya,this is a company with rich history of fraudulent electoral outcomes in most of countries amoung them the Commonwealth Countries recent one being Nigeria,our neighbour Uganda, South Africa, Namibia, Venenzuela etc. Kenyans at stake is the entire August 9, 2022 Presidential and National elections, its estimated that :  17 Sitting Governors were beneficiary of a fraudlent 2022 August electoral outcome. 21 Senators. 17 Women Representatives.  127 sitting  Members of Parliament. About 489 Members County Assembly across Kenya THE QUESTION IN EVERY KENYAN LIPS is why did British through their Kenyan Ambassador rushed to acknowledge and conglaturate Mr.Ruto on a purported triumph d...

Ubuntu as a remedy to revive from the anthropocentric addiction

Human civilization is at the brink of catastrophe. The world is at a cross road of looming environmental, sociopolitical, and spiritual crisis. The depth and breadth of the challenges are not only diverse but also extremely complex. The alarming rate of the ever pressing and worsening problems have paused the greatest existential threat to humanity and the planet like never before. The western science-based philosophy along with its offspring; technology led industrial mode of production and profit oriented economics have become the widely accepted and dominant global political worldview. As a result, the antidotes that are prescribed to lift humanity out of the manifold of existential crisis we faced are the same but more advanced scientific and technological solutions that aims at maximizing profit and economic growth. There is a growing utterly discontent world population, global environmental and social justice movements, and spiritual awakening that challenges the ent...

An Open Letter to President Uhuru Kenyatta:A Call to Evictions and Resettlement Law.

Ref: Agenda 4 on Housing, Evictions and Resettlement guidelines. Greetings Sir.  As you enjoy your 58th birthday wishes, it's painful to note. As our children sit for this year National Examination, hundreds of parents are sleeping in the rainy cold weather after they were evicted on Friday 25th, and Kenya Railway Police stationed within those households to-date 30th October 2019 to make sure they don't return to their houses located at Kenya Railways Cooperation - Landi Mawe estate(368 Acres next to Muthurwa 72 Acre estate ) the grouping which is undertaking this eviction are getting directives from KRSRBS-Kenya Railway Staff Retirement Benefit Scheme an outfit disbanded recently for pillage and profiteering scam on railway assets and land.  The areas being within Starehe Constituency the Member of Parliament Hon. Charles Jagua Kanyi on Sunday secured the release of about 15 people who were evicted and opposed to evictions/ demolitions, among those arrest...


Dear GIBBS International and Kenya Urban Roads Authority. Dear Sir/Madam Environmental policy statement of your organization claims that:- The principal concern of GIBB is to follow the best environmental practice both in engineering services for clients and in the management of all activities. It further states your corporate aim is to recognize the importance of environmental issues in the work you undertake. It emphasis that GIBB International will comply with all environmental legislation and regulations applicable to stated projects. 1.     We understand that GIBB International tendered to undertake consultancy services for preparation of feasibility studies, detailed designs, tender documents and supervision of selected roads and a green mall street Bus Station in the Nairobi Railway Station and its surroundings. A NaMSIP Project under Credit No.51020-KE funded by World Bank.   GIBB Africa Ltd is registered   with NEMA as a firm ...


Salutation to you Dr.Atwoli. By default, I am astonished by the kind of work you are involved in, every man is the architect of his own fortune, so to speak I have noticed that President and his Deputy President Monthly Salary, by virtue of being their representative you get a share, so today I don’t think you will be advocating for salary increment wholesomely which might mean all those you represent including the above leaders get a salary increment. Kenyan Work Force Kenya Population is hitting almost 47Million people out of this Its estimated that the government workforce numbering about 2Million People on a recurrent expenditure   totaling   Ksh 963,672,135,714.68-(equivalent   to almost Ksh 1 Trillion as of 22 nd March 2019) How much does COTU gets from the Government workforce per recurrent year ?. The remaining General Public from Gingo Hills in Mandera County to Macaldier Mines in Kisumu,from Tapeis Hill near Kibish in Turkana to Ras Kidomoni in ...